Tailor made package prices for every country we cover can be provided on request. Please send an email to info@beroafricanhunts.com or call +44 (0)7384 851 666. Hunting "a la carte" is also an option widely used in particular by our non-European clients. Our animal species trophy price list for each country we cover is available on request. We guarantee that more than 70% of trophies will meet Safari Club International (SCI) minimum standards and in many cases will exceed Rowalnd Ward minimums as well.

All packages are fully inclusive and include: the specified animals, luxury accommodation and full board (all drinks alcoholic and non-alcoholic), daily laundry, all the hunting services, 4x4 vehicle, professional hunter, tracker, driver, refreshments, local transport, etc.). 


Diseño web: www.dtinformatica.com